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About NAU

The following points summarize the immediate aims, goals, and structures of the Northeast Anarchist Union as it currently stands. We understand that as historical and material circumstances shift so too must our tactics, theory, and praxis and as comrades engaged in the historic struggle against Capitalism and all Systems of Domination we understand that this document is fluid and subject to constant change and self-criticism.

Who are we and what do we struggle for?

  1. We seek to imbue all oppressed peoples with a consciousness of not only the systems which keep them submissive to the state but in solidarity with all oppressed peoples of the world. We seek to lay the foundation of a mass movement which will allow us to decolonize not just so called “New England”, but additionally to implement a vision of a free society based on principles of solidarity, free association, mutual aid, and to strive for the maximum self-development of each individual or otherwise known as ‘Anarchy’.
    1. The Union holds an explicitly intersectional stance regarding all oppressed peoples and rejects class reductionism. We are and will always be for: Land Back, Black Liberation, Queer Liberation, Gender Self Expression, Liberation from Cis-Hetero-Patriarchy, A fully accessible Society (Anti-Ableism), Abolition of Capitalism and the State, Abolition of all classes (economic and social), Border and Nation Abolition. (This list is not exhausted)
  2. Our immediate aims are the proliferation of anarchic and liberatory ideas within the public consciousness. To grow our capacity for action through radicalization, skill shares, and coalition building. To establish autonomous collectives and networks across so called “New England” in order to fulfill the organizational demands of radicals.
  3. Over time we aim to provide isolated radicals the intellectual and material resources to those who will use them. The Union enhances the operational capacity of isolated affinity groups and individuals. The ability to project an anarchist politics in our region is amplified and aided through the alliance of collectives. Local politics is the most important part of grass roots organizing but individuals and affinity groups can only do so much within their limited means. Historically solidarity amongst local efforts has produced the best chances of generating a anarchist movement with the required strength to overthrow systems of oppression. As our formal networks grow the capacity of every collective is in turn strengthened.
  4. We are a multi-tendency organization which operates in a decentralized coalition of collectives and individuals. It is a vehicle to help develop the practical expression of free association as no central “NAU” body exists, all collectives are independent. We accept all people who seek to establish a free society through freedom without the organs of our oppressors i.e. the state, government, military, etc. The Union is entirely a composition of groups and individuals, no internal organ is dominant in any capacity. Members are not prohibited to “double card” and chapters of other organizations are encouraged to Federate.